Play with your life – you just have one!

Dear friends,

Take your life and make the analogy with music. Music is playful and the end of a composition not its reason to exist. Great education for me means also to learn to play the melody of life. Only then we can avoid waking up one day asking oneself “What? This was all?”. How about starting to play your own melody of life right now? Rock on and smile to the sun – Corinna


Studien zeigen: Schon Mädchen glauben, dass sexuelle Belästigung ganz normal ist

Eine Studie der American Association of University Women (AAUW) hat gezeigt, dass schon Kinder beginnen die frauenfeindlichen Mythen unserer Kultur zu verinnerlichen. Sie geben sich selbst die Schuld oder den Mädchen, die belästigt werden.

In der Studie „Crossing the Line: Sexual Harassment at School“ (2011) wurden knapp 2.000 Schülerinnen und Schüler in den Jahrgangsstufen sieben bis 12 befragt und die Ergebnisse sind erschüttern:

– Beinahe die Hälfte (48 Prozent) der befragten Kinder und Teenager hatten bereits sexuelle Belästigung erlebt.

– 87 Prozent von ihnen sagten, es hatte einen negativen Effekt auf sie.

– Zu den Belästigungen zählten sexualisierte Witze, Kommentare und Gesten, physische Angriffe und auch Belästigung über Onlinemedien.

– Mädchen erfahren häufiger Belästigung (56 vs. 40 Prozent) und Mädchen berichten von heftigeren körperlichen Angriffen als Jungen.

– 18 Prozent der Kinder wurde als „lesbisch“ oder „schwul“ beschimpft

– 33 Prozent der Mädchen gaben an, schon einmal Zeugin von Belästigung gewesen zu sein, die Hälfte wiederum hat so etwas schon mehr als einmal beobachtet.

Mehr hier:

How is our school in Leh looking like today?

Have a look here, dear friends! Some latest shots from Leh (India) just reached me and I thought it would be great to share them with you! I have been knowing the school since its very beginning. The day when the first school room was finished. I stayed in Leh for the first time over the summer time and I remember how terrible cold it can get in the mountain region even in the “best” part of the year. This was more than nine years ago and I am so happy that I can still support their efforts to bring education to this remote area of the world. In particular the girls do need it. It is not unsual to not know exactly the own biological father (as there are too less women compared to men, so…), to marry with the begin of puberty… We all need not only the skill to write and do maths but also a strong core personality to succeed in life! Support us by donating to Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. | Stadtsparkasse München | Konto 1000591360 | BLZ 70150000 | IBAN DE21 7015 0000 1000 5913 60 | BIC SSKMDEMM ** Thanks so much! With love for a happy, thankful Sunday – Yours, Corinna

Check out Stefan Bergheim and his ideas!

Stefan Bergheim is not only since more than nine years part of our Stella Enabling Education advisory board but also a great future thinker and founder of Fortschrittszentrum. His lectures are always intellectual stimulating ! Enjoy his latest reading under the following link: ! Happy day – Corinna

Our favorite education initiative of the day


Good Morning dear friends – I just jumped over an interesting article and thought to share it with you. It is not only about a great initiative to enable education but also about the amazing woman behind…how inspiring to all of us ! There is so much each of us can achieve when having a clear focus on where you would like to go! Set your focus, the rest will come. What is your focus on the day? ❤️ Rock on and enjoy this lovely Wednesday – Corinna

Here is the article.



Über ein mögliches Leben als Frau auf dieser Welt


“Wenn sie dich vergewaltigen, ist das nicht wie Sex haben”, sagt K. “Sie wollen dir Schmerzen zufügen. Wenn einer fertig ist, dann kommt der Nächste, wickelt deinen Rock um seine Hand und steckt dir diese in die Vagina. Er sagt, er mache dich sauber, aber er verletzt dich dabei.”

Ich bin gerade über einen besonderen Artikel im Spiegel Online gestolpert. Er berichtet von Fisteln, unter denen vielleicht mehr als zwei Millionen Afrikanerinen leiden. In dem Text wird auf die Frau als Objekt von Sex und Gewalt eingegangen. Ich verfolge seit langem die Stellung der Frau, weltweit. Beim Lesen solcher Zeilen kommt immer Traurigkeit über mich. Wir sind doch so viel mehr, wie kann uns so etwas angetan werden, ruft etwas in mir. Akte solcher Art reißen mehr als körperliche Wunden. Ja, dazu gehört auch das, was sich weltweit in vielen ehelichen Schlafzimmern ereignen mag. Solche Verletzung führen zwangsläufig zu Gegenagressionen. Auch, wenn diese oft nicht direkt ausgelebt werden, so sind sie unterschwellig doch stets anwesend. Ich poste diesen Artikel weil ich Reportagen wie diese wertvoll finde. Es ist wichtig, diese Themen nicht zu tabuisieren. Stand up and speak – und lass Dir die Freude am Leben zugleich nicht nehmen! Corinna

Hier geht es zum Artikel:

Our music video of the week

Despite xmas is still a couple of months ahead of us, we have selected this music video to be our music video of the week. Have you seen the gift? I love the message of Lindsey. All days of the year valid. Keep your eyes, your ears, your senses, your attention open…there is so much out in our world, enjoy the warm of the sunshine, the sparkle of the stars, the smile of the stranger you cross in your street. Be aware, gifts are all around us. You just need to see them! Corinna

Our favorite Friday dance!

Dear friends, check out this amazing, powerful and beautiful dance and enjoy the moves to one of the most touching current pop songs about the love between two men and the struggle with the conservative view of the church. Each love is being worth being lived. No matter the gender. By the way, what does gender mean? We all have part of the other gender within us. Me as a woman masculine parts, you as a man female parts. Instead of insisting we are different, lets rather find out what we have in common. With love, Corinna

20 Million humans are suffering from human trafficking – most of them young girls and women

For a lot of people, life is still a fight for survival. Actually, for the majority of the people living on this planet. For some of us, earth can be hell. Like for those humans that are suffering from human trafficking. I am personally not a big fan of the pope as I am not a fan of religions, no matter what religion, either. Nonetheless, I do appreciate if the big chef is raising awareness for special social issues within his community of faith. So he did last week: 20 million humans are suffering from human trafficking. 2/3 of the victims are forced to sexual acts in the industry of forced prostitution. The majority are young girls and women. I am sure, the dark number is much higher – depending also on the definition of „forced prostitution“ and the available data. To empower girls and women, education is the key. Education in the sense of not only knowing maths and writting but also of developing a strong inner personality and being inspired by others, also by other women to do different. With this, there might be a chance to escape such an imposed circle of violence, exploitation and heteronomy. With love for a great Tuesday, Corinna-Rosa

Der Rockstar der IT Branchen: Franzi Kühne im Interview

Digital-Unternehmerin Fränzi Kühne über Leichtigkeit im Job, Digitalisierung im Klassenzimmer und die Frage, warum Kinder coden können sollten.

Es fängt also bei der Digitalkompetenz der Eltern an?

Ganz genau. Es ist eine elterliche Pflicht, sich mit der Digitalisierung zu beschäftigen und eine Haltung zu entwickeln. Einfach zu sagen: „Das Internet ist böse und schlecht für mein Kind“ ist zu einfach. Klar haben viele Scheu vor dem Unbekannten. Aber alles Digitale als Feind zu sehen, geht mir zu weit. Digitalisierung ist unsere Zukunft. Und deshalb müssen Kinder eine Digitalkompetenz erlernen. Da rede ich nicht mal von Programmieren lernen oder IT als Pflichtfach.

Das ganz Interview gibt es hier.

Yes, admin work required!

It is saturday morning. Early morning. The clouds are still hanging silently over the roofs of my neighbor houses. The streets down my apartment submerged already with the general summer vacation spirit. Almost no noise at all comes up to my open window.  As I woke up, I thought to use my morning energy to go over some Stella documents and to bring them up-to-date. Laura Much, sitting in Berlin, is supporting me. Adjusting the Stella Layout really requires time and patience as well as an exchange with the German tax authorities. Before I founded Stella in 2009, I had no clue what requirements one need to fulfill when being responsible for an „eingetragener Verein“. Wow, I still said to myself. I am an accredited lawyer but still, even I am struggling from time to time with the legal requirements. How can someone not being specially trained handle the bureaucracy, I sometimes asked myself. But, hey, sometimes it is good to start something without knowing all consequences before, right? Out of the right motivation. Mine was to make a change. And to just start. Without evaluating all pros and cons. And, as you can see, this is were we are standing with our non-profit initiative. You can be the change. Just go for it. The rest will come. Happy saturday, dear friends. With love, Corinna-Rosa

Our summer newsletter 2017!

Dear friends,

I am happily sending you some summer kisses from Munich. Yeeees – Stella is ongoing and in its 9th year of operation. I cannot believe how fast time is moving and I am so proud of what we have already achieved during the last years! Just take those examples: some days ago, we could provide our Munich refugee center for young refugees with urgently required school material. And, as a little cherry on the top of the cake – I am working to be able to offer swim lessons to young muslim women living in Munich! I do so hope we can get sufficient financial support to realize this project! Of course, our projects in India (the mountain region and Delhi) are still as well in the focus. Feel invited to check out where I post regularly our activities. We are all working on a non-profit base so the Stella work needs to be done during the weekend or late at night as now. But hey, a little extra has never done harm to anyone. In particular not if the cause is to empower others through education, right?

Ah, and not to forget: on September 23rd, we are participating at the half-marathon in Munich as the “Stella Charity Run Team” to raise further funds for our projects. Correct – the same day as the Octoberfest opens. What could be a better start for the 5th season of the year? I would really be happy if some of you would like to join. I. myself, will be happy to somehow make it to the end and do less care about the timing…surely there are more ambitious runners in our team. So, each of you – independently from your fitness level – can join for this Charity run. Mail me for more info!

Have a wonderful night and never forget to listen to butterflies when they laugh!
Corinna-Rosa Hacker


Oh oh…auch Saudi Arabien kann besser sein!


Saudi Arabien – das “Land der unsichtbaren Frauen” – wie schön wäre es, wenn sich Saudi Arabien bald zum Land der sichtbaren Frauen entwickelt! Die Frauen dort tragen eine unglaubliche Schönheit in sich. Niemand hat sich hinter einer Ladung Kleidung zu verstecken, wenn er nicht möchte! Also her damit – wir wollen diese Frauen sehen und bewundern!

Love & Hugs, Corinna

“Saudi-Arabien – Frau im Minirock festgenommen: Polizisten in Saudi-Arabien haben eine junge Frau festgenommen. Ihr Vergehen: Sie hatte ein Video gepostet, in dem sie mit Minirock und Top bekleidet durch eine Gasse lief.” Mehr zum Artikel aus dem heutigen Spiegel Online hier.

Different life scenarios but still one world.


Yesterday, I was reading the newspaper DIE ZEIT. About the hunger crisis in South Sudan. The weakest are those who die the first: the old people, the little ones, the sick. There was the story of a young boy who is daily leaving his hut before sunrise, trying to catch fishes to feed all members of his family at noon. His father is too sick to do the job. The boy himself is undernourished. Today, he could only catch one fish. One fish for the family. Not sufficient.

The same day, at night, I was celebrating the French 14th of July in a little French bar. Different society. No war. No hunger. Sufficient means in available distance, from everything too much. In Western society, people are actually eating so much – too much – that there is the perplexity that, worldwide seen, there are more people suffering from overweight and their consequences than from hunger. To top this statement: we actually do have enough to nourish everyone living with us on earth. Humanity was threatened for the majority of their lifetime by hunger. Today, we successfully managed to overcome this issue.

We all know, the world is not based on fairness. I still do not know what exactly brought me here, growing up in the Western world with all its possibilities and what brought a little boy to be born into one of the poorest and worst managed countries. Driving this question to a peak, would most probably only lead to frustration. But I do know that there is responsibility that comes along. We cannot only take and take and take and make capitalism and the value of money being our only targets. We also have to give to those who are excluded from the machinery of wealth. To not starve hunger should be a basic right for everyone in the current world. We could realize it easily.

I have founded Stella years and years ago. I am leading Stella next to the job I am earning my money to pay my rent with. When looking back, I am so proud. It is amazing what such a little NGO could achieve in the last years…from the mountain school support in the Himalaya to the e.g. school books for the street kids in Delhi or the latest idea to provide young Muslim refugee women with swim training units in Munich. So, I would like to use this Saturday morning to thank you, dear Stella stars for your ongoing and never ending financial support to make this all come real. Enjoy this lovely day – Yours, Corinna

A new beamer for our educational refugee center in Munich


Dear Stella Supporters!

Once again, I am very happy that we could support one of our cooperation partners in Munich. Thanks to you and your generous financial contribution, we were able to provide the refugee center in Munich with an urgently required beamer (I just transferred the money, photos to follow). The refugee center is focusing on helping non-accompanied young refugees and is providing them with private educational courses to pass the State exams. Continue reading

About the importance of Gender Equality

I just watched Emma Watson’s speech about gender equality again. Since 2014 it has not lost its relevance. She is so right in what she is saying: how many men are imprisoned in gender stereotypes? Gender equality also means that men neither need to be aggressive nor in need to control anymore to be accepted. What is more beautiful than a man who dares to show us his vulnerable side?

Our latest images from Leh/ India

img-20160817-wa0021Dear Stella supports – here some photos from our school in Leh, India. More than 200 pupils who are coming from different corners from the high region of the Himalaya are attending school there. Our next project with Leh is the realization of washing machines for the scholars. Yes, you were reading correctly…washing machines: all the cloths for the around 250 scholars are currently washed by hand. More info on how you can contribute to follow ! For now enjoy the pics !!

Continue reading

Child marriages in Germany could soon be history (Handelsblatt morning briefing)

Child marriages in Germany could soon be history. The government is planning a law that will require brides and grooms to be at least 18 years old. Nearly 1,500 forced marriages of underage girls, half of them from Syria, are currently registered in Germany. Finally, a basic tenet of modern humanity will become law: The freedom of religion will end where human dignity begins.

Wie wir Opfer unserer eigenen vorgefertigten Bilder in unserem Kopf werden

Bild 2

Kleider machen Leute, das war früher so und daran hat sich bis heute nichts geändert. Dass dieser Satz über die Wichtigkeit des äußeren Eindrucks auch für Kinder gilt, führt uns Unicef in einem erschreckend eindeutigen Video vor Augen. Denn darin entscheidet allein die Optik, ob wir uns um ein kleines Mädchen kümmern, das ohne Begleitung durch einen Erwachsenen auf dem Bürgersteig steht. Continue reading

Bis 2030: Unicef fürchtet Tod von 69 Millionen Kindern unter fünf Jahren

epa05371428 Filipino children are seen playing at a shantytown in Paranaque city, south of Manila, Philippines, 17 June 2016. According to the World Bank'd latest study, higher investments in skills and education, and flexible labor rules can help reduce poverty among workers in the Philippines. The report said that in the last decade, the Philippine economy has been growing at an average of 5.3 percent, while the working population and jobs have been growing at an average of 1.8 percent and 1.9 percent, respectively. Labor productivity has also been growing at 3.4 percent a year. However, the growth of real wages or wages adjusted for changes in prices of goods and services has yet to catch up with the rising productivity. As a result, many workers remain poor. EPA/FRANCIS R. MALASIG +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++Unicef hat stärkere Anstrengungen gefordert, den ärmsten Kindern auf der Welt besser zu helfen – besonders südlich der Sahara und in Südasien. Andernfalls drohten in den nächsten 15 Jahre dramatische Folgen.

69 Millionen Kinder unter fünf Jahren könnten nach Schätzungen des Kinderhilfswerks der Vereinten Nationen (Unicef) bis zum Jahr 2030 an weitgehend vermeidbaren Ursachen sterben. 167 Millionen Kinder drohe bis dahin zudem ein Leben in Armut und 750 Millionen Mädchen eine Zwangsheirat, warnt Unicef in seinem Jahresbericht. Continue reading

Keys of Hope (Caritas International)

Am 15. März 2016 jährt sich zum fünften Mal der Beginn des syrischen Bürgerkriegs. Derzeit leben rund acht Millionen Syrerinnen und Syrer als Binnenvertriebene auf der Flucht in ihrer Heimat, etwa 4,6 Millionen sind in die syrischen Nachbarländer Jordanien, Libanon, Irak sowie die Türkei geflohen. Rund 700.000 Syrerinnen und Syrer halten sich in der Europäischen Union auf.

Diese Menschen lassen alles hinter sich – ihre Familie, ihre Freunde, ihr Zuhause. Mit ihnen reisen Angst und Unsicherheit, aber auch Träume und Hoffnungen. Hoffnung, vielleicht eines Tages wieder nach Syrien zurückkehren zu können. Continue reading

Double standards (Handelsblatt today)

Europe is not above setting double standards. In Italy and Greece, 160,000 migrants are supposed to be sent on to other E.U. countries that they have no interest in ever visiting. When China forced thousands of its own people to relocate for a large dam project, the West cried out for human rights. Now, when governments in Hungary and Slovakia balk at taking refugees, they are accused by E.U. leaders of lacking “solidarity.” It’s a lesson in the politics of power in real-time: Western values can change from solid to fluid when the interests shift.

Challenges the world is currently facing

Those with hearts that feel and eyes to see begin to observe that our world is faces various challenges that it has never had to face before. Our world covers parts that are viewed by its inhabitants as frightening due to corruptive and/ or brutal regimes, environmental or economical reasons. So frightening that they decide to leave their home. At the same time the gap between the rich and the poor people becomes larger. As of today, the richest 300 people in the world possess now more wealth that the 3,000,000,000 which counts to almost half of the total world population. In parallel we are eagerly ruining our own the planet. The one we are living on and from. Sooner than some of us might imagine, parts of our planet will become inhabitable. Clearly, we need a shift in our consciousness if we want to resolve the problems our world is currently facing. Everyone’s consciousness. Me and yours. Let’s start today, not tomorrow. Piece by piece, step by step.

Ein privater Appell für einen verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit der Sehnsucht nach starker Führung


Dass sich die Welt in unserem unmittelbaren Umfeld nun tatsächlich wandelt, spüren die meisten heute deutlich. Viele konnten von der Globalisierung, die seit dem Ende der 1980er Jahre einsetzte, profitieren. Es wird geschätzt, dass seitdem mehr als eine Milliarden Menschen der Armut entkommen konnten. Die Globalisierung brachte nicht nur in den Industrie-, sondern auch in den Schwellenländern Wohlstand. Continue reading

Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. wünscht einen schwungvollen und fröhlichen Rutsch in das Jahr 2016!

FullSizeRender2015 war ein bewegendes Jahr, global, für Deutschland und auch für Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. Wir können auf viele Aktivitäten und Initiativen zurückblicken.
Beispielsweise haben wir unsere Blumenau Kita mit mehr als 90% Migrantenhintergrund dabei unterstützen können, mit den Kindern und deren Eltern Moscheen, Synagogen und Kirchen zu besuchen um einen offenen Glaubensdiskurs im daran anschließenden Gesprächskreis zu ermöglichen. Continue reading